Erlang IDE for Emacs: EDTS install gotchas

If you prefer IDEs, but still want to edit Erlang with Emacs, the right package to install is edts.

You need:

Install Gotchas

Does erl work?

Make sure $ erl works, as edts compiles when installing, and if your Erlang install is not active, it won't install properly.

This is a bit treacherous because kerl installs are not active by default, and if you miss the notification in the emacs buffer you'll think edts just doesn't work (happened to me ^^;;).

Have you got distel?

It's better if you get rid of it, as edts has its own implementation of similar functionality.

Once you've taken care of those gotchas:

M-x package-install RET edts RET


M-x package-list-packages

find edts, press i over it, and then x


Add to your .emacs:

(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'my-after-init-hook)
(defun my-after-init-hook ()
  (require 'edts-start))


I'll refer you to the Readme and a talk by the author.

It auto completes, project management, code navigation and more.