Idris Mac Setup

Here's a short overview of how to install Idris on a Mac, which I had totally forgotten to post:

And yet again I prepare myself to climb the dependent types mountain, this time for this Saturday's Idris workshop in Dublin (that was in May :P, as I said forgot to post this).

I'm setting up Idris on my trusty 10.10.5 mac, this command:

$ brew install haskell-stack

will get you stack, which can sometimes be used to compile stuff you care about.

$ stack setup
$ stack install idris

Luckily enough actually worked for me at the first try, while cabal install idris, as usual, failed with unspeakable version mismatch errors. I say this because I never miss a chance to have bit of fun at cabal's expense. It's not like I actually expected it to work.

If you haven't used stack before you may need to add something like:

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

to your path.

Next I want an emacs mode, M-x package-list-packages and install idris-mode.
You might want to add:

(require 'idris-mode)

to your .emacs.

If you prefer Atom there is a good plugin for it, language-idris.
Vim is also a possibility.

There, you should have a working Idris now, I hope :)