Phoenix is Elixir's main web framework.
But the officially supported databases do not include RethinkDB.
Here is a guide to making a new Phoenix project that uses RethinkDB as its database.
WARNING: rethinkdb_ecto
support for Ecto 2.0 is not finished, everything might break at any point.
From 0 to a Phoenix app
I assume you have Elixir and mix
installed, if not, follow this tutorial.
First we'll install the latest version of the Phoenix plugin for mix
mix archive.install
Then we create a new Phoenix app:
mix rethinkdb_phoenix
answer yes to Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn] n
. This will install node on your machine, if you haven't already. If you want to avoid that, pass --no-brunch
So now you have a new Phoenix project that uses Postgres.
From a Phoenix app to a RethinkDB Phoenix app
Let's get rid of Postgres first:
- remove
{:postgrex, "~> 0.6.0"}
- remove
Then let's add rethinkdb_ecto to the project:
Add this to deps
in mix.exs
{:rethinkdb_ecto, github: "almightycouch/rethinkdb_ecto"}
it's important to use the github version instead of the hex version, because the hex version is still on ecto 1.0.
Add to application
in mix.exs
Try if the deps are working with:
$ mix do deps.get, compile
Your mix.exs
should look similar to this:
def application do
[mod: {RdbPhoenix, []},
applications: [:phoenix, :phoenix_pubsub, :phoenix_html, :cowboy, :logger, :gettext, :phoenix_ecto, :rethinkdb_ecto]]
defp deps do
[{:phoenix, "~> 1.2.1"},
{:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 1.0"},
{:phoenix_ecto, "~> 3.0"},
{:phoenix_html, "~> 2.6"},
{:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.0", only: :dev},
{:gettext, "~> 0.11"},
{:cowboy, "~> 1.0"},
{:rethinkdb_ecto, github: "almightycouch/rethinkdb_ecto"}
Now let's complete the configuration.
Under config/
modify the database configuration in the same way in test.exs
, prod.secret.exs
and dev.exs
config :rdb_phoenix, RdbPhoenix.Repo,
adapter: RethinkDB.Ecto,
database: "test",
pool_size: 10,
hostname: "localhost",
port: 28015
Note that you should change hostname and port according to your db url, but the database name can only be "test" for the time being.
Once you've completed that, it's time to try for real:
$ mix phoenix.server
and Phoenix should start.
No guarantees on anything else working, but so far it worked for me :)
The code is here.
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